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Category Archive for 'Podcast Summaries'

For ease of reference, here are the audio versions of the 5 podcasts that cover the material we have studied to date. We only have three more, which should tell you that we have already covered almost all of the foundational material for the course. There are new concepts we will add it, but the building blocks are here.

  1. crimlaw intro
  2. legality
  3. punishment
  4. culpability
  5. homicide and causation

Let me know if you have any issues listening or any questions about the material.

I just realized I hadn’t reposted the retaliation podcast. Here it is: retaliation

Good luck on the final, and feel free to come see me with questions!


Podcast audio version: harassment

I’ve tried to make this a bit clearer than earlier versions. Let me know if you have suggestions for further improvements. disparate impact 2012

Here is the audio podcast on disparate treatment discrimination: Disparate Treatment. It gives the basic overview of this theory of discrimination, both individual disparate treatment, and systemic disparate treatment. Please let me know if you have questions or if you would like me to cover anything in more depth.

Last podcast for criminal law


Catch-up for fed courts

I think I’ve made sure all of the subjects we’ve covered are up to date.  Here are the audio versions:

federal question

Scotus review 2011


State Immunity

Law to be applied

The imputation podcast covers more than we have so far, so you don’t have to listen yet when I start talking about omissions.



homicide and causation

Here are the first four podcasts for federal courts. The justiciability one is close to the overview summary that you have read already, but it’s a little more boiled down. Let me know if you have questions.



jurisdiction stripping

legislative court

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