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Category Archive for 'Podcast Summaries'

Catching up

Why does it seem like I’m always behind? I’m slowly catching up on podcasts now that the semester is over. Here is an updated jurisdiction stripping one.

Hey all. I’ve started to update podcasts for this class, and I have two ready to post. The scripts are on TWEN under the slides and helpful extras link in their own folder. And here is the audio:

Introductory podcast


Here is abstention:

And the downloadable version is here.

And here is the podcast on section 1983:

downloadable here.

Last podcast for Criminal Law

Here it is. One giant podcast on general defenses:

and here is the downloadable version.

The sound isn’t fantastic. I tried to make it sound less like I was recording this in some sort of cave, but I’m not sure I was successful.

Inchoate crimes

also here.

and doctrines of imputation

and here.

Homicide podcast

This podcast includes not just all of the information we studied on homicide (the generic term for a crime that results in death), but also the next topic we will consider, causation. That means you may not be familiar with the topic at the end of the podcast; don’t worry. We’ll get to it.

And you can click here to open a new window. Right click or command click to download.

We have finished two more topics in criminal law.

The theories of punishment:

and right (or command) click here to download it.


and right (or command) click here to download it.

I have two podcasts ready for all of you for federal courts: the introductory material

Or download by right clicking: Intro

and justiciability

or: justiciability

Or maybe it does. We have covered two podcasts worth of material already in Criminal Law. Don’t worry, there won’t usually be a podcast for every week of class. It’s just the learning curve works to frontload a lot of important material.

Here is the introductory podcast:

Or right click this link to download it: Crim law intro

And here is the legality podcast:

And downloadable link: Legality

Last Federal Courts Podcast

Here is the podcast on suing government actors.

And if you need to download it, here is that link.

I decided not to do one on the statutory control of interference by federal courts into state actions. That section is fairly straightforward and short. I didn’t think a podcast would add anything. I also didn’t include in the suing government actors podcast some of the substantive constitutional law we looked at in the section 1983 chapter. I actually have an old podcast covering that and some additional constitutional law from when I taught a class on constitutional litigation. If people really want that (even though it goes beyond what we learned), just let me know, and I’ll post it.

Happy reviewing!

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